¡Celebra el mes del amor con nuestro exclusivo cóctel de temporada!
Disfruta de una mezcla romántica que combina Ginebra Pink, miel y un delicado macerado de fresas. Este cóctel está especialmente diseñado para parejas, ofreciendo una experiencia suave y deliciosa que elevará tus momentos juntos. ¡Brinda con elegancia y sabor!
¡Disfruta del sabor del océano con el Faro del Pacífico! Jägermeister, Convier y Amaretto se combinan con Martini Rosso y Limón Tahití para crear una experiencia única. Con un toque secreto de Elixir Mamoncillo e Hinojo, este cóctel te transportará a nuevas profundidades de sabor. Sumérgete en el placer y deja que el Faro del Pacífico ilumine tu noche. ¡Salud!
Nuestro coctel inspirado en el Village Game (discoteca histórica en Cali) es un coctel fresco a base de Viche, Lulo fresco, Syrup de Jamaica y ahumado de Canela. Escanea el código QR y escucha este clásico.
¡Disfruta de nuestro NUEVO cóctel Efímero! Un cóctel que despierta tus sentidos y que transporta tus deseos a un mundo de sabores con toques de Gin, lychees y la intensidad del arándano.
La Vida es Bella
El coctel perfecto para las celebraciones, evoca la fiesta, la alegría por un logro obtenido. Es perfecto para celebrar cualquier ocasión. A base de Ginebra, Licor de Sandia y Tonica pink.
De la Casa $54.500
Beefeater 24 $55.500
Citadelle $65.500
Acevichada cape gooseberry mojito with a mild touch of spiciness:
With house rum $41,500
Rum The Sorceress $59,000
Zacapa 23 $85,000
Acevichada cape gooseberry
What If i were
The first time
Based on coconut cream viche and tequila, with a flavor that reminds us of piña colada, but with original ingredients, which gives it a unique flavor:
House Tequila $66,500
Miracle $85,500
Don Julio Rested $108,000
ú ha ha
Based on Rum (4 Oz of the selected liquor) of your choice accompanied by peach liqueur, gulupa and corozo:
House Rum $44,000
The Sorceress $88,500
Zacapa 23 $119,000
Based on mezcal accompanied by campari, lemon juice, pineapple melao and tabasco.
The mojito accompanied by rum of your choice, like you've never had it before. In our style and with a touch of our corozo sangria:
From the House $41,500
The Sorceress $60,000
Zacapa 23 $75,000
Our signature cocktail bar. Based on tequila of your choice accompanied by arrechón, lemongrass and the secrets of our ancestors:
From the House $41,000
Miracle $45,500
Don Julio Rested $67,500
Don Julio 70 Years $75,000
Based on vodka of your choice accompanied by watermelon, liche, cinnamon and lemon syrup:
From the House $43,000
Gray Goose $62,500
Belvedere $66,000
Based on Vodka of your choice accompanied by Elixir de lulo, flavored with a subtle touch of cardamom, coconut sugar, and nitrogenous rose petals:
From the House $34,000
Gray Goose $62,500
Belvedere $66,500
Based on tequila, gulupa elixir, mint and lemon, it is a refreshing, smooth cocktail, with citrus notes and balanced sweetness:
From the House $38,500
Miracle $45,500
Don Julio 70 years $73,500
Corozo wine-based sangria, with Pacific fruits: Pineapple, Carambolo, Apple, Orange. Presentation by 750 ml.
of Corozo
Based on Coconut Rum, Viche, Mandarin Lemon and Passion Fruit Honey
Gin tonic
of the house
For Gin & Tonic lovers, enjoy the gin of your choice accompanied by an intense aroma of Feijoa, soft and fruity notes. You definitely have to try it:
From the House $39,000
Tanqueray Ten $55,500
Hendrick's $63,000
The London $70,500
Coctel refrescante, frisante, balanceado. A base de ginebra, almíbar de papayuela, zumo de limón y tónica.
∙ Ginebra
∙ Sirup de papayuela ∙ Zumo de limón
∙ Tónica
De La Casa $44.000
Tangueray Ten $57.500
Hendrick's $68.000
The London $76.000